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Virtual consultation

We offer personal consultation how to choose perfect match of Niki Newd products for you as well as nutrition coaching. We offer product consultation in both English and Finnish and nutritional coaching only in Finnish for the time being. 

Skin care is not solely about skin care products, but I think an essential and important part is nutrition. For this reason, I have chosen a nutrition coach with FLT training as my partner. FLT nutritional coach is a nutrition and health professional whose training is based on the teachings of the pioneering Paula Heinonen.

I have received help in taming rosacea from nutritional coaching combined with acupuncture. For my part, the process took 1.5 years and after this long toil, I feel that I have regained my health and, what's more, my "own skin". Several of my clients have also received wonderful results in the treatment of atopy by combining the instructions of the FLT nutrition coach with our products. 

Love Kirsi

Tarjoamme henkilökohtaista konsultointia niin Niki Nwd tuotteiden valinnassa kuin koskien ravintoa.Tarjoamme tuotekonsultaatiota sekä englanniksi, että suomeksi ja ravintovalmennusta toistaiseksi vain suomeksi.

Tarjoamme teille myös ravintovalmennusta. Itse olen saanut apua ruusufinnin taltuttamisessa ravintovalmennuksesta yhdistettynä akupunktioon. Omalta osaltani prosessi vei 1.5 vuotta ja tämän pitkänänteisen uurastuksen jälkeen koen saaneeni terveyden ja mikä ihaninta "oman ihoni" takaisin. Myös useat asiakkaani ovat saaneet myös upeita tuloksia atopian hoidossa yhdistämällä FLT ravintovalmentajan ohjeet tuotteidemme kanssa. Ihonhoito ei ole yksiomaan ihonhoitotuotteista kiinni vaan olennainen ja tärkeä osa on mielestäni ravinnolla. Tämän vuoksi olen valinnut yhteistyökumppaniksi FLT koulutuksen saaneen ravintovalmentajan.  FLT Ravintovalmentajat® on ravitsemuksen ja terveyden ammattilainen, jonka koulutuksen takana on uraauurtavan Paula Heinosen opit.

Virtual consultation

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Just take our quiz, which generates tailored product recommendations and your own skin care routine.

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I ordered Graceful mama and Skin Silk oil serum and Oat Meal Soap on your advice. I have never used anything so wonderful and felt so good in my life, and my skin started to feel better within days! Best of all, your products have definitely helped with my severe rosacea.

Heli -52, Rosacea

My skin loves the Skin Velvet oil serum and has a healthy glow and lines have softened and the scar on my face is barely noticeable anymore.

Eila -72, Scar tissue

I got the rash on my neck and chest under control in less than a week after using Skin Glow and Skin Mist.

Outi -54, Atopic Skin

So I'm absolutely in love with Skin Cream!

Erika -30

Already after a week of using Niki Newd Skin Cream my skin felt like there was no going back to my previous skincare routines. My skin is breathing and feeling alive like never before. And best of all – I do not need a separate day or night cream anymore.

Virpi -62